Well, my year in Haiti is near completion. I've been here over a year and the end is in site.
It's a bittersweet end.
I have learned so many things about myself this past year.
I've learned many things about my life and my path.
About my strengths and my weaknesses.
But mostly I'm thankful for the growth. And boy has there been.
I've learned that I am capable of a good many things, but that I am not a wonder woman.
I've learned that I have limitations...boy, do I have limitations.
I've met many people. Some I will be glad to say good bye to, but many that I will grieve as if I've lost them for good.
Hopefully my departure will be met with some grief from those I leave also.
I'm vain, afterall, and I would be lying if I didn't say that I hope I've made an impact.
I hope I will be returning sooner than later. I am leaving a good portion of my heart here, and I will feel incomplete without it.
What a difficult thing to comprehend, the purposeful ending of what was to be my finest moments, yet were some of the hardest times in my life.
Pray for me. I am trying to find my direction in all this change.