My Year in Haiti

My Year in Haiti
It's All About the Children
Showing posts with label ponderings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ponderings. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Home Away From Home

I just returned from a 2 week "break" in Michigan. I would say it's nice to be home again, but the lines are becoming blurred. On the one hand, when I go "home" to Michigan, I stay on a futon in the guest room. Now, I bought a new mattress for it before I came down last summer, but let's just say, it bites! Things are not in the places that I expect them to be. The house is a disaster since my dear son took over care and upkeep. I feel like a guest in my own home, which, since he pays all the bills, I basically am!

So I get back here and I am, for a moment at least, looking forward to getting back to a space that is all my own. Except that the plumbing issue I left behind was not fixed so I had no water, and I had quickly forgotten how hard that bed is to sleep in! 

So well. The homecoming was awesome. The kids were very happy to see me, (or at least to see what I had brought them!) It was like Christmas all over again showing them the many things I brought for them, which is just a drop in the bucket since I could only carry 2 of the 6 bags I have full of things for them!

And oy! I had forgotten how hot it is here, and how bad the mosquitoes are! That took a little adjusting. Hopefully my sleeping and eating patterns will adjust as quickly, I am still trying to catch up from how busy I was during my "break". I say "break" because I spent so much time visiting with all of my generous supporters and collecting donations for the Mission that I only had about 2 1/2 days of actual rest and recuperation! 

I think I need a vacation from my vacation!

All for now. Pics later!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Consumerism and the Disparity Between Socio-economic Classes

It always amazes me when I witness someone consuming something for the sake of consuming. Okay, I'm not excluding myself; I'm sure there have been a multitude of moments when I have done this without even realizing I am doing it. Which is probably why I am seeing it happen in my world. Karmicly speaking, I suppose I should be doing something to counter-act this so I can change my perceptions and not see this anymore.

I thought I was living a life of conservation, preservation, re-using, reducing, and recycling, but since moving to Haiti, these things have become rather challenging. 

Anyways, today I realized how convicted I feel when I under appreciate the blessings in my life. For example, a tub of hummus costs $6. Not a big fee for something so yummy and wonderful and healthful. But when you put that figure aside the $5/day minimum wage here, you realize how spectacularly luxurious that is. I try not to live a life of excess and appreciate the things I am able to have in my life. It really annoys me when I see other people just busting through their resources like they are sure they have an unlimited supply. 

But when I look around here I see so many people living that way. Some from privileged, some from a sense of "who knows what tomorrow brings, let me enjoy today" I begin to wonder, do I have it wrong?