It always amazes me when I witness someone consuming something for the sake of consuming. Okay, I'm not excluding myself; I'm sure there have been a multitude of moments when I have done this without even realizing I am doing it. Which is probably why I am seeing it happen in my world. Karmicly speaking, I suppose I should be doing something to counter-act this so I can change my perceptions and not see this anymore.
I thought I was living a life of conservation, preservation, re-using, reducing, and recycling, but since moving to Haiti, these things have become rather challenging.
Anyways, today I realized how convicted I feel when I under appreciate the blessings in my life. For example, a tub of hummus costs $6. Not a big fee for something so yummy and wonderful and healthful. But when you put that figure aside the $5/day minimum wage here, you realize how spectacularly luxurious that is. I try not to live a life of excess and appreciate the things I am able to have in my life. It really annoys me when I see other people just busting through their resources like they are sure they have an unlimited supply.
But when I look around here I see so many people living that way. Some from privileged, some from a sense of "who knows what tomorrow brings, let me enjoy today" I begin to wonder, do I have it wrong?
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