My Year in Haiti

My Year in Haiti
It's All About the Children

Friday, January 27, 2012

Too Much Information

Sometimes being busy is counter-productive to good blogging.

Alas, as I was drifting off to sleep, I had so many things I wanted to blog about today. But Murphy had other things in mind for me. 

The morning was filled with seeing off a mission group from Poured-Out. The hustle and bustle of loaning out my computer for a few of them to send emails, taking up their leftover bug spray, toiletries, food, clothing, etc. to distribute among the kids at the mission, making sure everything gets put back into place and that they don't forget any of their belongings can be quite thrilling and stressful all at once. Couple that with the routine of getting all the teachers and kids settled into their morning lessons and then add the unexpected events that just throw everyone into a spin. 

This morning, one of our employees injured themselves. This culture is so full of  superstitions and old wives tail methods that it is hard to get them to understand the importance of basic first aid practices. Add to that the language barrier and it makes for an interesting event. Try explaining to someone the importance of keeping a neck injury still when you have someone pulling on the injured persons arms and legs to "set them straight". It's like, Oy! Don't do that? and they look at me like I'm crazy because that's "what you do" when someone has neck pain. Um, no! Don't move a neck injury! Immobilize!

Fortunate for us and our kids and staff, we have a nurse that comes 3 days a week. She was able to examine and treat the employee "tout de suite". 

Not many people have that luxury here. The nurse was able to go purchase IV pain relief and muscle relaxer and she's resting comfortably in one of the spare rooms. A day of rest and she should be good to go!

For now, things are settling down after having company. We have Mark coming on Sunday, Mitch coming on Monday, a Skype class exchange with a 3rd grade class on Wednesday Morning and Cara coming on Wednesday and leaving Friday, so things will be quite chaotic for the next week. 

I'm going to try to go take in some of the night life tonight and spend tomorrow relaxing before the next wave hits!

Stay tuned for the next episode!

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