My Year in Haiti

My Year in Haiti
It's All About the Children

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Calamitous Saturday Morning

It's not a full moon, so I'm not sure where the bad juju came from, but we've had quite the morning. A few of the kids have some odd bacteria or virus or another. It causes blister-like lesions in close proximity to their noses and often inside their noses. The first one with these symptoms was put on Amoxicilline and it seemed to respond to it. Then two more kids presented with symptoms so on the antibiotic they went. Now this morning the first one has all of her symptoms again. Guessing it must be viral and not bacterial, but waiting to hear from the doctor. 

Shortly after that the boys were playing soccer. They don't want to risk busting their rubber flip-flops so they play bare footed. I've warned against this, but it's difficult to get them to understand the importance of wearing shoes to protect the feet. Lo and behold, one of them tore most of the end of his big toe off. I'm not sure what the details are because the more upset they are the worse their English becomes, but I think one of the boys must have stepped on him just as he smacked his foot into the concrete. At any rate, we got it washed, iced, cleaned up with iodine and bandaged. Photos sent to doctor to see if he wants us to do more. It's seeping so hopefully it isn't as bad as it looks. 

Not five minutes later one of the boys came in with a bloody nose. Apparantly the football game got a little more exciting and another boy ran into him with his hand or elbow, again, the English degrades the harder they cry. We got the bloody nose pinched off and every one went to lunch. 

It's quiet now, but only for a moment. 

Days like this exhaust my whole body. In 48 hours I'll be landing in Miami - headed to Orlando for a week of fun with my son. I hope I am able to put this past 2 months away for the week and relax. I'm reevaluating my end-goal here. Hopefully nobody will think less of me if after this donated year I come back home and find some meaningful work to do in a first world. I hope by the time I leave I have done enough to leave these children in capable hands. I'm not holding my breath, but if I can have an impactful influence on them to make even a few small changes in the way that they handle these kids, I think Haiti will have a shot at going to the next level.

All for now. Stay tuned for updates on wish list...

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