My Year in Haiti

My Year in Haiti
It's All About the Children

Thursday, August 30, 2012

And So it Goes...

So, this is the end of my story...I must apologize for such vagueness and lapses in time and posts. 

This year turned into a lot of things that I had not intended it to.

There were a lot of stories that were not told.

I would be more than happy to sit with anyone and relate the tales of a year gone by over a meal, or drinks, or both. 

But for now, I will just say to those who kept coming back to check on the progress, I am deeply sorry to have left you uninformed.

I promise that when I return to adventures such as these, it will be on my own terms and with my voice so clearly heard at every turn.

Thank you for your endless support and for cheering me on and sending me encouragement when I needed it most. 

Thank you doubly for all the times you lifted me in prayer.

Always know that you were the difference between me seeing this through and throwing in the towel. 

I couldn't have done it without you!

I will be home soon and I look forward to passing on my tales when I see you.


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