My Year in Haiti

My Year in Haiti
It's All About the Children

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Find a job doing something you love and you will never work another day of your life

So I have graduated from school - it is finished. Time to move on to the next phase of my life. I have always known that I had a calling to do some sort of mission work. If you ask anyone, they will tell you I have a gift with children and have always wanted to be able to work with them. The problem has always been that unless you pay for years of education and attain advanced degrees, the best you can do is get a job taking care of children, often for low wages and long hours in less than desirable conditions.

They say that life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. This has been the true story of my life. I have gone far and wide, done every sort of job imaginable, had every kind of training as well as conducted most kinds of training. I am a well rounded individual, spiritually, experientially, (and physically, teehee!) As I related to a friend over a Boomba at Shores Inn in St. Clair Shores that my burning passion was to work in Africa with Orphans, I realized that I had been in a sort of holding pattern since losing my job at a major automotive supplier two years ago. I was going to school so I suppose there was some forward momentum, but mostly I was not really contemplating my future. It was more of a zombie walk through the daily grind.

Well, imagine my surprise when, upon being shaken awake by this good friend, I realized that I had an incredible source of support within all of the networks that I had built in my lifetime and if I leveraged them correctly, I could actually find myself doing the work I was passionate to be doing!

At my friends urging, I began to formulate plans to get to Haiti instead of Africa. The reasons were simple, a) there was a great need for this type of work, and 2) there was a local celebrity currently running a foundation that supported a mission in Haiti that operated an orphanage. Oh, snap! I might actually see my life-long dreams come true!

Well, that is all for now. Stay tuned for the continued adventures.

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